Student Struggles :

          At the nearly end of the school semester there’s always going to be exams during those times and in those times many students tend to have more stress which leads them to not be able to focus on their learnings and probably have emotional issues, this doesn’t only affect them but also the people around them could be friends or family members, but in most cases are friends and these could impact their wellbeing including him which is very important but in Open School our supervisors are ready to deal with these types of situations. 

          Supervisors play a crucial role when it comes to the students’ learning process and wellbeing. They are prepared to help a student whenever they can to ensure they are in the best form possible for learning. There is one example from a student that had some struggles during his learning process, his name is Keane he is in Year 13 and leads a band called “Dumonic” a heavy metal band. His objective is to be a famous musician one day, however he was a student with a lot of issues which lead him to a poor performance when learning, which could affect his future career and dreams. In this interview we ask him about this experience and how he was able to overcome those problems. 

           Keane talked about his problems and one of them was overload work, because of his work outside of school and in the school, this caused him to have a big amount of stress which affected his performance in doing those works, however the supervisors noticed how he was looking, so they started supporting him through this journey, helping him with his essays for university and other work in school however supervisors weren’t able to support him with the work outside school but they were able to support him emotionally which helped him a lot. Now he got accepted into the university that he wanted to go to, which is Berklee College of Music and keeps entertaining us with his new songs from his band “Dumonic”. In the interview he mentioned something that helped him communicate with supervisors.

” I feel like when being with the supervisors gives me a feeling that I’m not talking to a teacher but more to a brother/sister “

Written by N’Neo Tawan Kaenphakdee, Year 13 Creative Track, OpenSchool

Photo Credit by N’Lin Salin Hanpanich, Year 13 Creative Track, OpenSchool