An Important Role :

          The responsibility of being a teacher it is very important in school, they are in charge of taking care of the students, teaching and guide them in the right direction, normally we see teachers only as someone that helps us more in our education and universities career but what if they could be more than that, more than just a teacher.

          When students are struggling in something, it could be overload work, too much expectation or being depressed. This could lead them to have a negative impact in their life. Students spend most of their time in school, it is like their second home whether they like it or not, so the teachers in the school have an important role in the students life. Supervisors in Open School are always ready to help their students as they know how to help them with their learning and also problems and they always make sure that the environment that the students are in, is safe and enjoyable. One supervisor in Open School who is in charge of taking care of the art and design students, they called him ¨P’Notto¨ . He has helped many students with their struggles and it is well known for being able to communicate perfectly with students. We will interview him about how he is able to help many students during their struggles.

           Pi Notto has a strong character when it comes to the education, he mentions that he will always make sure that the students are learning properly which leads him to have a better connection with the students, he knows what behaviour each of his students has which makes him be able to understand his students, whenever any student has struggles he will help that student immediately even though the student didn’t ask for any support, because of his young age it makes it easier to talk with the students, when he helps a person he is not going to teach him what’s right or wrong but he will  be more of an open minded person, as this will make him understand the suffering of the students which helps him to have an idea on what is the best way to help them. Students are very happy to be with him and everyone is looking forward to what he is going to teach next. This is one of his messages after the interview.

” We are like a football team and I am your coach. You are not doing this alone “

Written by N’Neo Tawan Kaenphakdee, Year 13 Creative Track, OpenSchool

Photo Credit by N’Lin Salin Hanpanich, Year 13 Creative Track, OpenSchool